Sunday, December 23, 2007


We reached Tega Cay, SC (read it as ThaygaKay) by 2:00pm Saturday (22-DEC-2007). Ganesh and Bindu received us and treated us with a full meals (sambar + appadum - paapad - deep fried, not microwaved + curd made out of whole milk)

This city Tega Cay, is spectacular in every way - stretching a vast 5 square miles, has a golf course, a natural lake (Wylie), about 200 houses (all upscale, half a million types), a fire dept and a "blue ribbon" (Gold Hill) elementary school. Thats all there is to that city (or a town, or a village, or a place...) Tega Cay is surrounded by satellite towns - ThayguThaa, ThaygaNoo, Thaygu.

Ganesh showed us Charlotte downtown (Bank of America and Wachovia headquarters), went shopping at the largest mall in America - concord mills mall and we spent the next day (a rainy day) at home - cooked delicious food and watched a comedy movie.

TegaCay-Ganesh Himabindu


Anonymous said...

only sambar???? what about the other items I made :-)

we had a BLAST. and it is Teeeee Guh KAY!!!

Anonymous said...

FYI: Ganesh is eating sorakaya pachadi now and said it is the best he has ever eaten in his life. thank your mom for us:-)

Anonymous said...

LOL 'ThaygaKay'!

I know Ganesh from .. is it MCI? hmmm...